We just wrapped up our Totally Legit light art show at the Vermillion Art Gallery — the Digital Final Frontier. This show ran from December 13, 2018 – February 9, 2019.
This collaborative light art installation celebrated the pioneering spirit of those who push the bounds of possibility. We explored recurring themes of human progress on the frontiers of innovation, layering together past and future technologies. The installation immersed our audience in the frontier, where they walked amongst the ghosts of the past as they looked to the future. The Seamstress Union is a special nod to the women on the Frontier in the Pacific Northwest.
Brought to you by Totally Legit, and Other Participating Artists and Technology Creatives. Brandon Traynoff was our creative lead for the frontier facades.
This show emerged from Electric Sky 2018, an art and tech weekend artists’ retreat. Electric Sky and our 2018 theme “The Digital Frontier” was brought to you by Totally Legit LLC, and Third Place Technologies, with the support of 4Culture and the Town of Skykomish.Learn more about Totally Legit at http://TotallyLegitLLC.com