A Totally Legit installation at Seattle City of The Future, in Capitol Hill Seattle in 2023, including David Hull, James Robinson, Shelly Farnham, Andrew Cole, and Jeff Brice.
This project provided a tangible, interactive manifestation of natural and man-made ecologies in Seattle and the Northwest, setting the stage for the notion in a future Seattle, we as citizens may leverage new technologies to control our own collective outcomes.
From this command and control room participants were encouraged to modify and interact with projected futures of the city, to see an impact on the well-being of urban communities based on publicly available data. Similarly, we visualized mitochondrial transformations in the greater Puget Sound area, revealing the hidden annual cycles of these natural communities outside of the built environment. An augmented reality visualization provided a systems view of the city’s data.
Entryway to the Command and Control Room Interactive Seattle Map Projected on the Wall, and Mushroom Map Projected on a Platform Dials Allowed Participants to Modify City Variables Like Traffic and Parks, and See Changes in Happiness on the Map An Augmented Reality System Map Helped Visualize Complex Data Relationships Room Was Designed to Convey a Command and Control Center for the City 3D Map of the City to Show Detail City of Seattle Map was Projected on Laser Cut Topography
David Hull specializes in product design, digital fabrication, and exploratory art. See http://DavidHullDesign.com. James Robinson is a software engineer, specializing in data and visualization through the lens of maps and nature. Shelly Farnham is an artist, technologist, and community organizer. As a technologists she specializes in community analytics, and as artist she specializes in painting and light art installation work. See http://totallylegitllc.com and http://shellydianefarnham.com. Andrew Cole is an interactive/kinetic sculptor and artist. See https://aocole.net. Jeff Brice is a tech-based artist, designer, and educator with a special interest in augmented reality, see https://www.jeffbrice.com.