Zymphonic Zipline — Concept Image for Critical Northwest and Updates

We will have the zipline and interactive component of the Zymphonic Wormhole at Critical Northwest in July.  Brian has been doing the 3D modeling in anticipation of ordering the metal and having it rolled to specification.   Here’s a concept “sketch” of what the Zymphonic Zipline will look like based on the 3D model.

Concept "Sketch" of the Zymphonic Zipline for Critical Northwest

Concept “Sketch” of the Zymphonic Zipline for Critical Northwest

We have been making good progress on the project overall:

Here's the first draft of  the full 3D model.  We will start ordering the metal early next week.

Here’s the first draft of the full 3D model. We will start ordering the metal early next week.


Jeff has been working through some design ideas for the "light snake"; the casings for the animated, addressable RGB lights along the path

Jeff has been working through some design ideas for the “light snake”; the casings for the animated, addressable RGB lights along the path


As of last week we are animating the lights based on where people are, using the Kinect.

As of last week we are animating the lights based on where people are, using the Kinect.


Jeff is also exploring how to integrate design elements into the launch platform and stairs

Jeff is also exploring how to integrate design elements into the launch platform and stairs

We've been making some final decisions on how we will assemble the rings, so we can order the metal.

We’ve been spending a lot of time on the whiteboard — e.g., making some final decisions on how we will assemble the rings, so we can order the metal.

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